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is the ULTIMATE goal

universal mandatory vaccination for covid 19,

or --- is it actually something else

having to do with frat boy pipe dreams

regarding medical nanotechnology ?









ccp methodologies




FLASHBACK: Pfizer CEO at Davos Brags About New Pill with Chip That Will Send Signal to Authorities that It’s Been Ingested




Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla impressed the audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week with thoughts of ingestible computer chips that notify authorities when a medicine has been digested. Probably, he may have forgotten he was on camera.
it is a, basically biological chip that is in the tablet. And once we take the tablet and dissolves into the stomach, sends a signal that you took the table. So imagine the applications of that – the compliance. The insurance companies know that the medicines patients should take, they take them.
Pfizer’s defenders joined in, suggesting that Bourla’s futuristic pitch could be used in “specific” conditions such as “schizophrenia and cancers” to ensure compliance.


!World Economic Forum shill, Yuval Noah Hariri:“Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept to legitimize total biometric surveillance. We need to not just monitor people, we need to monitor what’s happening under their skin” pic.twitter.com/qoPKVGxR7d— Maajid أبو عمّار (@MaajidNawaz) May 21, 2022

see this, also:




New 'Biochips' That Mimic Our Bodies Could Speed Development of Drugs

Imagine if scientists could recreate you—or at least part of you—on a chip. That might help doctors identify drugs that would help you heal faster, bypassing the sometimes painful trial-and-error process and the hefty costs that burden our healthcare system. Right now, inside a lab at the University of California, Berkeley, researchers are working to […]


Right now, inside a lab at the University of California, Berkeley, researchers are working to make that happen. They're trying to grow human organ tissue, like heart and liver, on tiny chips. These aren't your standard computer chips. They're miniature networks, derived from adult skin cells coerced into becoming the type of tissue scientists want to study, that grow on miniscule pipe-like plastic chambers glued atop a microscope slide.
The research is designed to find ways to get that tissue to live and mimic how real human organs function. If so, they could provide a cheap and quick way of weeding out treatments that are toxic or just don’t work. The aim is to weed them out early on, in the lab, replacing at least some of the tedious years of testing on animals and humans.

New 3D hydrogel biochips prove to be superior in detecting bowel cancer at early stages


The scientists have created a hydrogel-based biochip to help detect bowel cancer i.e. colorectal cancer (CRC). CRC is the third most common type of cancer and it develops with minimal clinical symptoms in the early stages. Despite doctors’ efforts, the 5-year survival rate does not exceed 36%. Treatment is only effective, and patients only have a good chance of recovery, if the cancer is detected early.



FDA Nears Approval of Injectable Biochip Implants for COVID Detection, Linked to Computers

Posted on
September 15, 2020
Jolie Diane
September 15, 2020
August 30, 2020 | by Weaver |
Backed by funding from Defense Department, and Bill Gates



"The Department of Defense, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have partnered with a Silicon Valley company, Profusa, to implement a technology which could control our minds and bodies. What may seem like science fiction, is in fact happening in real-time.
A permanent chip made of an advanced material called hydrogel irreversibly ties humans to the Internet “cloud.” The chip, about the size of a grain of rice, provides feedback to a database on changes in body chemistry and other biometrics. The company says technology will be used to detect COVID in the general population, before symptoms show.
The latest revised CDC overall survival rate for the COVID virus is 99.8%, versus 99.9% for the common flu. Nevertheless, nearly 150 days after governments proclaimed that 15 days of “lockdowns” and social distancing would be necessary to “flatten the curve” so that hospitals would not be overwhelmed, US governors still exert emergency powers based on the announcement of “new cases.”
A defense industry website Defense One reports that the chip implant could win FDA approval by early 2021:
“Profusa, says the sensor is on track to try for FDA approval by early next year.”
The industry magazine writes effusively:
“Why are pandemics so hard to stop? Often it’s because the disease moves faster than people can be tested for it. The Defense Department is helping to fund a new study to determine whether an under-the-skin biosensor can help trackers keep up — by detecting flu-like infections even before their symptoms begin to show.”
The hydrogel chip, which is injected with a syringe, could be injected along with any COVID vaccination. Mandatory vaccination would be the key to any widespread deployment of the project.
Along with with the advent of in-body nanotechnology, and sensors which tie the human body to an artificial intelligence platform, the possibilities for misuse by totalitarian governments has not been lost on technology watchdogs. With advanced biosensors, artificial intelligence may be able to read the subject’s every mood and activity, heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, even sexual activity.
Technology critic Adam Keiper write in The New Atlantis:
“Nanotechnology could theoretically be used to make mind-control systems, invisible and mobile eavesdropping devices, or unimaginably horrific tools of torture.”
DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an arm of the Department of Defense, partnered with Profusa, an Emoryville, CA-based biotech company, to develop the technology in 2011. 2011 is the same year that Occupy Wall Street sprang into being.
A Profusa Press Release from March 19, 2018 states:
“today scientists are presenting results showing tiny biosensors that become one with the body…and stream data to a mobile phone and to the cloud….tiny biosensors composed of a tissue-like hydrogel, similar to a soft contact lens, that are painlessly placed under the skin with a single injection.
Biooptics World, an industry magazine, describe Profusa sensors as “Injectable biosensors that become one with the body’s tissue”
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation grant is described as “Implantable multi-analyte sensors for the continuous monitoring of body chemistries”
Profusa’s chairman and CEO is Ben Hwang, Ph.D.
Development of In-Body Nanotechnology Which Could Be Combined with Biochips
One of Profusa’s principle investors, according to a company profile, is the US Army Research Office.
At the same time in-body hydrogel technology is being developed, in-body nanoparticle technology is being developed as well.
The Department of Defense makes no attempt to hide its desire to use nanotechnology to develop “super-soldiers” who do not need to sleep, have heightened sense awareness, and other “battlefield” advantages, regardless of long-term side effects to health. In the past, the health of soldiers has seemed an afterthought to a military establishment which has exposed its soldiers to Agent Orange, and experimental Gulf War vaccinations against biological agents.
A widely deployed mass surveillance platform would require enormously increased bandwidth in cellphone and wifi networks. Some say this is one reason governments are driving so hard replace current networks with 5G.



= covid is just the cover storty !! or, the excuse

duckduckgo query: in-body nanotechnology


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"tuning" nanoparticles

Researchers like Gambhir and his colleagues have learned how to capitalize on many of these properties in their quests to seek out and destroy cancer cells in the body, or to collect them from a blood sample for further study. By changing the size of the particles, the scientists can “tune” the nanoparticles to behave in specific ways — fluorescing varying colors for imaging purposes, for example, or grabbing onto and then releasing cancer cells for study. Some can be engineered to absorb light energy to power tiny acoustic vibrations that signal the presence of a tumor or to release heat to kill the cells from inside.
Researchers also capitalize on the particles’ vast surface area, coating them with antibodies or proteins that home to cancer cells, or with signaling molecules that are released by the tens of thousands when a cancer cell is located.
Gambhir believes nanotechnology will be particularly helpful in early diagnosis and treatment. “It’s not that our therapies are poor — it’s that we apply them too late,” he said. “Nanotechnology has the potential to detect and even kill early cancer cells present in the hundreds or thousands versus the billions already present in currently diagnosable tumors.”
He and his colleagues envision a day in the not-too-distant future when nanosensors implanted in our bodies, or even in household appliances like the toilet, can alert us to the first signs of trouble — often without our conscious participation. He compares the approach to that of piloting a jet airplane.
“An airplane’s engine is constantly monitored, and information is sent to a global portal to diagnose problems in real time,” he said. “We’re missing that in health care today.”
But maybe not for long.

‘Swallowing the doctor’

The concept of miniature medical minions isn’t new. In 1959, noted physicist Richard Feynman, PhD, discussed the possibility of “swallowing the doctor” in a talk at the California Institute of Technology, and British researchers first realized the potential of liposomes for drug delivery in 1961. These spheres can be engineered to contain water-soluble drugs in their interior, while also squirreling away hydrophobic, or insoluble, drugs in their fatty membrane. Careful engineering can result in liposome-based structures that deliver multiple drugs in precise ratios and at high levels without the toxicities that can occur when delivering the medicines without these structures. They accumulate naturally in tumor tissue, or can be targeted to specific cell types by the addition of antibodies or other molecules to their surface.
The technique was first approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1995 to deliver the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin to patients with AIDS-related Kaposi’s sarcoma. There are now more than a dozen liposomally packaged drugs on the marketplace, and researchers have begun to explore ways to use other types of nanoparticles to deliver not just drugs, but also small RNA molecules to block the expression of specific genes, or a payload of radioactivity to kill the cell.
“From a practical perspective, nano-based techniques aren’t the wave of the future. This is the now,” said Heather Wakelee, MD, an associate professor of medicine at Stanford who focuses on the treatment of lung cancer patients. “And it’s changing how we treat patients in the clinic.”

Biden’s Amendments Hand U.S. Sovereignty to the WHO

May 12, 2022
The Biden administration is setting the stage to hand ultimate control of America’s health care system and U.S. national sovereignty over to the World Health Organization (WHO).
On May 22-28, 2022, the 75th World Health Assembly will convene in Geneva, Switzerland, with delegates from 194 nations, to vote on the Biden administration’s proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations that will hand over national sovereignty and authority to the WHO, which during the COVID pandemic, carried the water bucket for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regarding the Wuhan lab.
On January 18, 2022, officials from the Biden administration quietly sent the WHO extensive amendments without an official statement or a single press conference. These proposed amendments are written to strengthen the organization’s ability to unilaterally intervene into the affairs of nations merely suspected of having a “health emergency” of possible concern to other nations. If these amendments are approved, the WHO will have the power to declare an “international health emergency,” nullifying the powers of nation states. The U.S. amendments delete a critical existing restriction in the regulations: “WHO shall consult with and attempt to obtain verification from the State Party in whose territory the event is allegedly occurring…” This enables the Director-General to declare health emergencies at will and can be used to justify ostracism and economic or financial actions against the targeted nation by other nations aligned with WHO or who wish to harm and control the accused nation.
The contents of the proposed amendments were not made public until April 12, 2022. The existing WHO regulations provide for an 18-month grace period during which a nation may withdraw its “yes” vote for amendments. However, the current proposed amendments would reduce that opportunity to six months. If the amendments are passed, a majority of the nations could change their individual votes and reverse the approval in the next months


referenced in above article
